
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Homebound - Anchorage, AK, USA

Before coming on this trip, just like before I went to Ireland - people asked me what the Hell I'm thinking when I decide to travel alone. Yes, it's a little scary. Yes, it's a little lonely. Yes, it can be expensive.

The pros outweigh the cons though. It's not just simple things like being able to do what I want, not having to wait, not having to compromise - there's more to it than that. 

When you travel alone, you have a chance to really push your own limits - especially if you're an introvert like me (or, if you just don't really trust people...). When you're alone, you have to depend on yourself to get what you need. Don't know which bus to catch? Ok, you have two options: (1) ask a stranger, or (2) figure it out yourself and risk getting on the wrong one. 

Technology now makes it pretty easy to travel.... You can depend on the internet for a lot of things. Where can I get the best fish & chips? Which glacier should I visit? What part of the city should I avoid? You can find all that out from your hotel room... but what's the point? You could also google pictures of the Chugach mountains and not travel 5,000 miles at all. It's not the same. You're not experiencing anything on the internet!

It's better to find out for yourself. Your gut is better than any GPS system or travel blog. Does the street that cool shop is located on make you feel kind of weird? Don't go down it. Does that restaurant look kind of gross and make you think twice about going in? There's probably a reason. I may be a little on the cautious side, but the old saying goes "better safe than sorry" for a reason.

Another good thing about solo travel for me personally is budgeting. I don't have gobs of money to spend on fancy things - probably because I spent money on a 10 day trip and a rental car. You have to decide what you really want to buy and what you really want to see and plan your spending around that. I won't be arriving home with much left on any of my cards, but my bills are paid, I'm getting home, and I still have a good job waiting for me.

I'm not crazy (okay, maybe a little). I'm testing myself to build myself into a smarter and more self-sufficient young female. 

Well, and to see places my boyfriend doesn't care to visit and my family won't spend money on, of course!