
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Whittier, AK, USA

I went to Whittier today. It was a tiny little fishing town surrounded by mountains. The only way to get there by car is through a tunnel under a mountain that costs $12 to go through (you only have to pay the toll to get in to the town. Getting out is free.) 

After Whittier, I drove back up towards Anchorage and stopped at Potter Marsh - a park with a really cool boardwalk over the mushy ecosystems. I'd hoped, since I saw a ton of bald eagles while driving or walking to Starbucks (without my camera....), that I would see some here and be able to snap a picture or thirty. No such luck. I'm hoping I'll stop striking out with wildlife and see somebody tomorrow. I mean, tomorrow I'm going on a whale watch out of Seward. I hope I see whales and otters and seals and mountain goats (the website said I could see them. I don't know where they'll be, but my guess is in the mountains.)

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