
Monday, May 6, 2013

Talkeetna, AK, USA

Today, I drove up to Talkeetna - which was tiny and awesome. I wish I had the guts to keep going and hit Denali National Park, but despite travelling 5,000 miles alone - I'm not up for that challenge. I stopped in Wasilla too to see the Iditarod Race Headquarters, which was really cool and had a lot of interesting information. I bought my first, non-edible souvenir here: a keychain... gotta keep it affordable!

I have less energy than I did yesterday. I think I'll go to sleep early tonight and then drive down the peninsula again, this time to Kenai and Soldotna. My rental car has a tiny tank and gets good mileage, and I only have it for half my stay here - so I may as well get these long day trips out of my system!

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